This was taken from the old Forum in 2008. A Lot has happened since then.
The fan club began in 1997. Firstdownguy,Eric(Bartender) and Tony Payne all tailgated in the South Lot which was open on a "first come,first serve basis". We began discussion of starting a fan club to rival the high end and expensive Thundering Herd. In that time frame Randy Collins stopped by my house in Fortville as a stranger when I was painting up my Colts van and introduced himself. I invited Randy to join Eric,Tony and myself in our tailgate. I set about helping Randy w/ his first Colts vehicle(a van) and we all continued discussing the formation of the fan club w/ Randy now included.
We decided to invite others along the South Lot front row in as well. We formed a small group and held the first Blue Crew meeting on a Saturday at a bar down by either Union Station or Pan Am Plaza,not positive which. That group was made up of myself & wife,Randy(Prez) & wife,Eric(Bartender) & wife, Tony and wife,Dan(Original Web Dude and wife,the older couple from the corner spot(Pat Cole & wife I believe),"Bob Guy" and "Tammy Girl", the Tilleys and I think that is it. Original Web Dude may recall others? We took pictures of the meeting(Eric-"Bartender" still has them),discussed ideas,officially formed the club with a check made out to the club and set about soliciting signatures in the South Lot to recruit members. We quickly gained support as our battle cry was one of: "a fan club for Colts fans who tailgated,
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