Hours | Closed
Located in the church gym at Zion Church (8921 E. Troy Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46239) Our traditional Chinese Kung Fu classes are taught by Sifu John Wicker.
Monday-6-7:00pm Kid's Kung Fu
Monday-7:15-8:30pm Adult Kung Fu
Wednesday-6-7:15pm Shaolin Qin Na*
Wednesday-7:15-8:30 Adult Kung Fu
The age range for the Kid's class is 4-13. The adult class generally starts at 14 and older; there may be exceptions to this based on size and maturity level. The mixed class (Adult's and Kid's) is taught on Saturday's at Life Systems Martial Arts in Greenwood, IN. Please call or email for prices. We offer quality training at inexpensive prices.
*Qin Na, which means "seize and control", is the study of how to control your opponent through joint locks and pressure point manipulation. Almost all Chinese martial arts styles have Chin Na in them and include it in part of their training.
Qin Na taught at the Seven Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu if Indianapolis School is from Master Yang Jwing-Ming's Shaolin Chin Na system.
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Get to know 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu Of Indianapolis
The Seven Star Praying Mantis style through Master Henry Chung incorporates a lot of basic training, which will increase the student’s flexibility, strength, and overall ability to use praying mantis techniques effectively.
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