317area.com Tyler Eisele

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Tyler Reviews on Metro Nightclub & Restaurant 10 months ago

Metro Nightclub & Restaurant

1 Rating  

Dear Management, I am writing to address an incident that occurred during my recent visit to your establishment. On May 18th, I experienced an altercation with one of your female bouncers which escalated unnecessarily. During the incident, I encountered inappropriate and aggressive behavior from your staff. Upon joining my friend group at the entry line, a female bouncer of African American descent became enraged, falsely accusing me of cutting the line. Despite having already entered the facility, paid my cover, and proceeded to the bar, she aggressively confronted me. She demanded my departure after I commented on her behavior, which resulted in a physical altercation initiated by her. This bouncer's actions not only made me uncomfortable but also disturbed the surrounding patrons who witnessed her behavior. As an adult patron, I find such conduct concerning and unacceptable. It is unreasonable for a member of your staff to resort to aggression over a misunderstanding regarding line etiquette. I expect better conduct from your employees, especially considering the potential legal consequences of such actions. I kindly request that you promptly investigate this matter and take

Cons: Certan staff members here are completely inappropriate, aggressive, and are an embarrassment to your establishment.

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